Find the appropriate local Community Action Agency in your area from this listing.
The Community Action Agency will explain the DHS requirements and assist you in signing up for service with SCANA Energy Regulated Division.
If you have already received a pink slip or energy assistance, you are eligible to receive natural gas service with SCANA Energy Regulated Division immediately.
If you have not previously applied for energy assistance, but are qualified, the agency will issue you a blue referral form, which will be necessary for the sign-up process with SCANA Energy Regulated Division.
Call SCANA Energy Regulated Division at 1.866.245.7742 with the blue referral form for reference.
You will need the following information:
To be eligible for special regulated rates, customers must meet the following qualifications:
2024–2025 Household Qualifications
For additional assistance, please contact us at 1.866.245.7742.
Questions about the Regulated Program
Find out how to sign up.
You don't qualify as low income or have been turned down for service elsewhere.
Questions about how to qualify?
Call us at 1.866.245.7742
Get details…
You don't qualify as low income and have been turned down for service elsewhere.
By Phone: 1.866.245.7742
Want to change rate plans?
Start service up to 90 days before your move.